piątek, 3 grudnia 2010

Professional journalism still exists

Today I would like to present more serious content to my blog. This is an article written by me for one of my assignments. Enjoy reading and be critical.

Having studied three years Media & Communication and seen different examples of journalism from different part of the world made me reflect that nowadays, media are more about entertainment and commercial gains than real professional journalism. As we all journalists know, media should inform, educate and comment. We are opinion makers for society. But, how does it look in reality? ‘Infotainment’, ‘tabloidization’ and commercialization are the most popular phenomenon in contemporary media. As a well educated reporter who is at the moment doing a master programme in Global Journalism, I must admit, this is very irritating. More and more often I arrive to the conclusion that real journalism does not exist any more… But since I had a chance to talk to Gcina Tsaluba, I can breathe a sigh of relief

You can wonder why one conversation could change my way of thinking. What is more important, who the guy who changed it is. Gcina is an investigative reporter from South Africa. Despite being very young (24 years) he has been a journalist for the last five years and he had done many investigative journalism stories. One of them is about woman who was renting rooms to inhabitants of King William's Town's in South Africa. The main issue was that she rented homes designed for single families up to 20 tenants. She charged them each about R2000 (210 euro) a month for a dirty, unfurnished and shared room. Maybe we do not know South African conditions but it is a lot of money, especially for students. Gcina lived there undercover for two months. His main aim was to stop exploiting current tenants and prevent others from dealing with that woman. He knew that he could help them. That is why, he lived and spoke to them and then contacted authorities about the illegal practice - and finally, he confronted slumlord herself. He published this story both in a newspaper and on-line. It was extremely an good piece of journalism. And, what is most important, he succeeded. Some of the houses were closed and there is a strong possibility that the woman will be taken into legal action.

Gcina, who is personally a really nice guy, was kind enough to give us some tips how to practice good investigative journalism. To make a good story we need to remember that we have to take it deeper than average journalist. It usually lasts more time but it is worth it. Apparently, double checking information is important, since when we publish false information we will be sued and will lose our reputation. Gcina underlines also working with different tools. The most basic is simple diary, which helps to remember everything that we experienced. He is also capable of working with search software like ‘Searchworks’ and is connected with organizations that always can help journalists. He is a member of Forum for African Investigative Reporters. Research before working in the field is extremely important because it lets be us on better position than person who we are investigating on. Probably the subjest would not expect us and may have no idea who we are. Then we have an advantage. Gcina confirms that the profession of journalism is not an easy one and it is even risky when doing a story. “We usually try to reveal facts that someone wants to keep hidden’ – he says. That is why we can expect being threaten or offered a bribe. Gcina admitted that once he was being chased by guy with knife but he has never experienced a bribe trial. Still he does not think that journalist should be taken into special security. This is a risk – he ends. For the future plans, he is moving to Johannesburg, capital of South Africa and he wants to work with young journalists.

The case of Gcina gives me a hope that journalism still has a mission and the profession that we all are inside is still important. Through our work, we can do much. This is very important for us and I hope that we will be able to create such a story. We are the future of journalism. I believe in us and I believe that professional journalism still exists.  

Gcina as himself on the picture:

wtorek, 16 listopada 2010

Back to reality

I must admit it has been almost a month when I have written my last post, and I did wanted to have one at least once a week. It is easy to say, but harder to do, I am afraid. It is not because I did not have anything to write about. Damn, I wanna be a journalist so I must write about everything that surrounds me and I should not have any problems with putting this on blog. A lot of things happened lastly and I have had many ideas to write about, but I simply neither had time nor fancy to write. Probably, I have just survived a crisis of my output but I guess I am too young for that. By the way, I am 23, since I forgot to write this.

Thus, as I have mentioned plenty things happened from my last post. I have been for the second time in Poland. I do not want to write here how it was since it would be too personal, do not you agree? I have been busy with studying recently. I have done a presentation about media system of my country which actually took me much time, however I think, I have done a good job. Then I went to Finland to have one module of my course at two universities in this country: University of Helsinki and University of Tampere. Actually, the journey (by ferry) was fun and stay in Finland was also nice, however the module was not interesting at all. I will not offend anyone if I tell you that there I had to cope with the most boring sessions I have ever participated. For the first time I simply fall asleep during the lecture...That is sick. I understand that problem of media and development and climate change are important in nowadays world, but I am sure that such issues can be held in much more stimulating way. I am not the guy who does not care about anything going on, but this was dead boring. The lecturers, in my opinion did not want to make us interested in the topics. They simply wanted to give their presentations and wait for our assignments. Actually, what I do think that they could have sent us outlines and literature and we would know even more than from these boring lectures. But still it was good to travel to other country. I love travelling, but I will write about this other time.

That was cool to meet some journalists from Finland and talk to them or visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs (they serve good food), but part of education was pointless in my opinion. Now, finally came back to Sweden and I need to come back to reality, or so called daily routine. Still taking snuff and counting the days to come back to Poland. Just 8 days left. Life is beautiful. Today we had new seminars, they were much better than those in Finland. We have a lot of to do, but I do not really mind to keep myself busy. Thanks to this I feel I am alive. I have many things to write here, but maybe I will do this in other posts. Maybe tomorrow. Today, I think it is enough.

As an attachment sending a photo from really interesting lecture in Finland

poniedziałek, 18 października 2010

The daily routine ?

Unexpected post :)

Actually I did not expect that I will be writing here so often, but maybe I was wrong. Today I decided to make another story. At the moment I am quite busy reading all the bloody materials for one of my assignment. I need to describe a media system of my country - Poland. Having read some articles and chapters in books I realized how little I know Polish media system. I know much more about British or Swedish one, but sometimes it is good to have some interest in our motherland. What is also strange for me, I find it quite odd to read about Polish media in English. Apparently I do have some materials in Polish language, however I need to use some English literature to make possibile for my teacher to check the info. That is so strange, but who cares...

Today I have read few articles and I am afraid I have gained too much info right now. The good thing is that I have plenty ideas what to write, but probably I will have to 'kill some of my darlings' since I am supposed to write only 5 pages. You can think it is a lot, but if I wanted to write brief history of Polish media it would take me at least 2-3 pages. But I need to write much more than just the history. Now before my individual consultation I need to sort out my material to have a clue what I really want to write.  That is enough for school. No more words today will be about my education - I do promise.

Today was actually quite nice day, I have cooked really nice dinner and I have used my favorite snuff - orange ozona which is awesome. I do recommend everyone, but I realize that none of you likes snuff. I also tried snus today, and I need to tell that each time is better but i do not think it can be addictive.

Now I have been talking on Skype for the last few hours, answered few e-mails and have been looking for accomodation. I really would like to find something soon. Also the good thing is it is 9 days left to my travel to Poland. It has been already 2 weeks I came back to Sweden, but I am really looking forward to coming back home.

I tittled today post by 'The daily routine'. You can maybe wonder why. But this is how my life looks like right now. School, looking for accomodation, talking on Skype, taking snuff and counting the days to come back to Poland. I really miss her.  Tomorrow lecture in the morning so soon I need to get to bed if I do not want to overslept.


niedziela, 17 października 2010

Pierwszy wpis

Big hello to you my friends :)

First of all I would like to apoligize for that some content of my blog will be in English, but I can expect some readers who have no commands of my native language - Polish. I do hope that no one will be offended if I write in English right now. Apparently, some of the content will be also in my language but I will start this in English.

Now few words about myself. At the moment I am doing Master Programme in Global Journalism at University of Orebro in Sweden. I have already been here for more than month so finally I get used to living abraod. It is not the first time I line alone in different country since for three years I have been studying at University of Wolverhampton in United Kingdom. Then after that I came bck to Poland for one year so I could have forgotten how to live abroad.

In this blog I will try to write what I feel, what are my impressions of living in Sweden and how my daily routine looks like. I do hope to lead this blog as often as I can but I doubt that my life is so interesting to write a big story each day. We wiil see what is going on and I hope that u will enjoy reading my stories.

As I have already mentioned mainly it will be carried in English but it is not cuz I am tha smart and I want to boast, I just simply hope that some of my foreign friends follow that. I do also want to excuse myself and say that I also write a normal/traditional diary and there I write stuff typical for me and it is more personal an such stuff I am not gonan to publish for everyone that is why my posts here will not be that often I am afraid. Still enjoy reading that stuff and have a nice end of weekend.

PS Photo attached depicts me. Quite current photo taken by my girlfriend on holiday